Some Characteristics of Relativistic Secondary Charged Particles Produced in 7Li Interaction with Nuclear Emulsion

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Jeddah ,College of Science , Department of Physics

2 Department of Physical Sciences, College of Science, University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

3 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

4 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Yanbu Branch, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia; Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Egypt



In the present work, the general characteristics of the interactions of 7Li nuclei with nuclear emulsion at 3A GeV/c have been studied. The multiplicity of the charged secondary particles and the correlations among them are discussed. The average multiplicity, compound multiplicity, variation of the dispersion, and the variation of the average compound multiplicity with the different projectile and target mass numbers have been investigated. The outcomes demonstrate certain regularities in the interactions between 7Li nuclei and emulsion nuclei, which were previously seen in tests involving lighter nuclei. The values of the average multiplicity of the secondary charged particles have been estimated, and the dependence of this average multiplicity on the mass number of the projectile has been analyzed. The impact parameter determines the average multiplicities of the secondary charged particles, which rise as the impact parameter decreases. The variation in average multiplicities of shower particles as a function of heavy ionizing particles has been discussed. The compound multiplicity has been shown to be a good kinematical parameter for studying the interaction between nuclei. The compound multiplicity's average value mostly rises as the projectile mass number does and with the target mass. The study of multiplicity correlations has shown that shower and grey particles are strongly correlated. The 7Li interaction's experimental data have been methodically compared to other interactions at various energies; the new results are consistent with the corresponding results at almost the same energy. The results obtained in the current studies have been compared with those from hadron-nucleus collisions.
