Evaluation of Radon Radioactivity and Radiological Impact by Using Solid-State Nuclear Track Detector for Erediya younger granites of Central Eastern Desert in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura 35516, Egypt

2 Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, 21526 Alexandria, Egypt

3 Physics Dep. Alex UNI

4 Physical department Faculty of science Alexandria university

5 Nuclear Materials Authority


The current study is carried out to monitor radioactivity levels in Erediya younger granites of the Central Eastern Desert in Egypt by using a solid-state nuclear track detector (CR-39 NTD). The polymeric CR-39 NTD was used to determine radium-226 and radon-222 activity concentration, as well as the theoretical conversion equations, were employed to assess the radiological impact. Predetermined 33 samples were collected from different locations within and around Egypt's Eradia area fulfilling the Egyptian Authority of Geological Survey and Mining in addition to IAEA TECDOC-1415 protocols. The measured overall average value of the radium and radon activity concentration are 7467.44±50.68 and 7840.14±53.2 Bqm-3, respectively, which indicated a high abundance of TENORM in the collected samples of the investigated area. The exhalation rate and annual effective dose were calculated, which means high grades than the permissible limit recommended by IAEA and UNSCEAR, and the average values are 0.87±0.01 Bqm-2h-1 and 1637.82±26.87 mSvy-1 respectively. The present result is a reference for the radioactivity background as well as assesses any harmful radiation, and particularly helps in applying radiation protection principles for the occupational worker in the Erediya area. To furnish the outcome of the study data was plotted as counter maps for tracking the distribution pattern of radioactivity levels and concerning radiation protection and human safety work level index was calculated to apply perfect radiation protection methodologies for the occupational.
