Electromagnetic Radiation Influences on Rheological Parameters of Rats’ Blood

Document Type : Original Article


Physics & Chemistry Department, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt


The present work aimed to study the alterations in blood viscoelasticity and hematological parameters as a result of the exposure to electric field (50 Hz-4 kV/m-8h/d), magnetic field (50 Hz -0.3 mT-8h/d) and high energy photon (6 MeV; 0.002Ao-1 rad). The blood tissue was chosen as biomarker for the direct and delay exposure evaluations whereas its viscosity coefficient as function of shear rate was monitored and its mechanical characteristics as function of osmotic pressure was measured. In addition, the hematological parameters were observed for all collected blood samples and correlated to the blood viscoelasticity. The obtained results showed remarkable effects on the studied blood parameters even at short exposure periods and /or after delayed exposure effects. From the present results it may be concluded that the exposure to electric and magnetic field at extremely low frequency range has hazardous effect not less than the ionizing radiation at very low dose. Our findings indicated that maximum deteriorative effects resulted due to exposure to magnetic field (30 days) whereas the blood viscosity coefficient, RBCs elastic limit, and hemoglobin were decreased relative to the control by -38%, -30% and -25% respectively. Moreover, the changes in blood viscoelasticity and hematological parameters as a result of the exposure even after 45 days’ post exposure support the hazardous effects of such fields. The need of new recommendations for exposure to such fields and frequent blood checkup should be done from time to another specially for residents who expose for long times.
