Internet Reactor Laboratory IRL: An Effective Tool to Expend Nuclear Education in Africa

Document Type : Original Article


1 National Center for Nuclear Energy Sciences and Technology CNESTEN

2 National Center for Nuclear Energy Sceinces and Technology CNESTEN


The Internet Reactor Laboratory (IRL) project is one of IAEA tools intended to increase the global supply of nuclear education based on the use of research reactors offering an additional option to access operating research reactors around the world suitable for this purpose. Thus, the project can deliver its maximum benefit to countries that are engaged in educating human capital for future nuclear programs but that do not have access to research reactor facilities. The IRL provides access to students from remote locations (guest institutions) to attend online the experiments carried out in a research reactor (Host institution) which are relevant in the process of developing human capacity related to nuclear. The project, launched by the IAEA in 2014, already covers several countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia. In March 2018 an agreement was signed between the National Center for Nuclear Energy Sciences and Technology CNESTEN (Morocco) and IAEA establishing the legal framework of the Internet Reactor Laboratory project in Africa. In This paper we describe the approaches regarding the development and implementation of the IRL capabilities at MA-1 TRIGA reactor and we discuss the content of internet based reactor experiments covered by the agreement. We also present the results and feedback collected after the organization of the first orientation workshop to train the guest institution representatives in the technical, pedagogical and logistical aspects of the experiments to be broadcasted and we outline the future plans of the project implementation.


Volume 56, Issue 2 - Serial Number 2
Special Issue: Proceedings of the 10th African Conference on Research Reactor Safety, Operation and Utilization, Cairo, Egypt, 27 – 29 November 2022, organized by the IAEA in cooperation with the EAEA.
January 2023
Pages 101-107